Kids Outdoors: OffGrid Kid

Offgrid Kid is no ordinary 6-year-old. While most of his classmates spend their weekends playing video games, Offgrid Kid takes any chance he can get to be in the Georgia backwoods. 

This fiery first grader gets much of his inspiration from his father, an avid outdoorsman himself. His father couldn’t wait to introduce Offgrid Kid to the woods, where hunting and fishing allowed for a therapeutic outlet. By age three, Offgrid Kid was at his dad’s side during every outdoor excursion. He couldn’t get enough, whether it be observing his father, tagging along for an ATV ride, or helping set up for hunts.

As Offgrid Kid got older, his father would have introduced him to his first air rifle. Eventually, graduating to a .410 shotgun, which he used on his first successful game shot, a wild boar. But this isn’t all. Not only is he becoming a hunting guru, but he’s also honing his compound bow and fishing skills.


To prepare Offgrid Kid for the nerve-wracking sensation of pursuing prey, his father takes him through a set of trainings. A compilation series of push-ups and jumping jacks just to elevate his heart rate. As soon as he’s finished, it’s target practice of various distances with his .22 rifle. In a testament to his extreme focus, Offgrid Kid at just age six, hits the mark on his first shot.


His mother fondly recalls a past excursion Offgrid Kid took with his father. They had gone ATV riding in dense mud. His father decided to let him jump in and slosh around. When his mother received a photo of the aftermath, her mind initially went straight to the impending cleanup. In further reflecting, she found that in a world that is increasingly digital, moments like this, spent in nature, are so important. At the end of the day, she says, the mud will wash off, but the memory will last a lifetime. A reality that would form the drive behind her works in helping those in need to experience the therapeutic benefits of the outdoors.


So, what’s next for Offgrid Kid? When he’s not excelling in advanced classes or hunting game in the woods with his father, he’s writing a book! When asking his mother about the lack of representation of people that look like him in hunting books, she responded, “if you want to see people of color in books, you’re going to have to write one yourself.” And that’s just what he’s doing!


While his parents have continuously inspired and poured into him, Offgrid Kid wants to inspire other kids as well. He’s determined to show them what nature has to offer and “just how fun it is to be outdoors.”  He hopes to build a following so that he and his family can, one day, take other kids and families along on their adventures.


To keep up with more of  Offgrid Kid and his many Adventures follow him on IG at “Offgridkidlife.” Stay tuned for the creation of Offgrid Kid’s YouTube channel and updates on the release of his book.


In addition, Look Who’s Outdoors and community would like to wish you a very special Happy Birthday OffGrid Kid!!! May you continue to inspire Kids everywhere through Adventure and Love for the outdoors!!!!