Dan’Tay Ward’s BBQ Smokehouse

Everybody does barbecue in Texas, but not everybody does barbecue like Dan’ Tay Ward Sr., owner of Big Ward’s Smokehouse based in Waco Texas. Between his saucy smoked meats and his savory side dishes, Ward is firing up standout cuisines that keeps the crowd coming in flocks. With popularity on the rise, in such a highly competitive food market, it is certainly safe to say that Big Ward’s Smokehouse is more than just a buzz, but a solid staple in the area.

We caught up exclusively with Dan’ Tay Ward to figure out what’s behind the man with the BBQ brand that seems to contain all the right ingredients. What inspired this former Texas Tech defensive tackle to forge a path in the food industry? Dan’ Tay hasn’t looked back since.

“It all began as a hobby, “says Ward.

In Texas, barbecue is a distinguished delectable that many residents would describe as food cook to perfection. Unique spices added to create savory BBQ sauces. Passionate cooks often debate best tactics, such as gas or charcoal, lighter or matches, BBQ wood chips or charcoal BBQ chimney starter. As the saying goes, “no two people think alike” the same goes in the in world of barbecue, no two dishes are prepared the same as he holds dearly his secret ingredients. These things usually ignite the passion of true Pit Master’s.

But for Ward, it would be quite different. 

Before the inception of his restaurant, Ward spent much of his time cooking barbecue for friends as just leisure while the main focus would be centered around hosting large gatherings at his home. Guests would enjoy memorable times accompanied by a selection of a few of his go-to recipes to please the appetite.

Ward’s love for hosting would heighten as he would notice how much his guest delighted in the food and how happy it would make them. This would be the pivotal game changing moment. A leisure hobby turned passion; Ward’s friends would become the true inspiration to the start of his journey.

Taking his friend’s advice to share his creations with the masses, eventually led to the opening of Big Ward’s Smokehouse in the Waco community. Here, he serves his popular slow-cooked brisket, pulled pork nachos, and fall-off-the-bone ribs, among other fan favorites. He’s also constantly drumming up new creations.

For the former standout athlete, cooking barbecue puts him into what he describes as a “fourth quarter zone,” a “make-the-playoffs” zone. This excitement for cooking, along with his acute awareness of the value of hard work, has allowed for his hobby to flourish into a successful business. As his following continues to grow, it’s clear that Ward’s energy, drive, and natural competitiveness are key factors that continues to set him apart.

Barbecue has deep roots in Texas, with meat-smoking practices dating back centuries. In a state that is considered to serve up some of the best barbecue in the nation, it can be difficult to set yourself apart. Amongst dense competition, Ward has made himself known by cooking with passion, love and hope…not to mention dedication. Unwaveringly devoted to perfecting his craft, Ward spends ten to twelve hours a day tending to his restaurant and preparing mouth-watering food for eager customers.

When asked about his primary motivation, he utters his son without hesitation. In effort to create opportunity and instill the importance of a strong work ethic, working alongside his son for Ward is the perfect motivation for succeeding in the business.

A committed father, he strives to maintain a space where his family can continue to learn, grow, and of course share their passion for cooking signature BBQ within the Waco community.

To keep up with what’s new and on the menu visit the Big Ward’s Smokehouse restaurant at 1500 Bosque Blvd Waco Texas 76707 or follow him on Facebook & Instagram at Big Ward’s Smokehouse.